Most furniture movers don’t just specialize in this area of the business, because it’s an expected part of the overall moving process. A homeowner looking for a qualified crew should select one that has plenty of experience and the right kind of equipment. These businesses should have everything needed to lift and transport all household items, and shouldn’t have to rely on others to help out. A prepared company should have hand trucks, appliance trucks, dollies for desks and other items, lever dollies, pads, straps and powered lifts for especially heavy items.
Furniture movers can normally handle most items with just a few physically fit workers. Couches, chairs, tables, desks, bookcases, bedframes and mattresses are normally light enough to handle with just manpower. Appliances, large computer desks, and heavy items like a piano or safe will need something more. Using hand trucks and dollies can speed up the process greatly. Before selecting a group of moving professionals, a homeowner should inquire about the business’s capabilities. For instance, some professionals bill themselves as piano movers. These companies will charge a premium for this service, but any operation with a piano trolley, a powered lift and a piano shoe will be able to provide comparable service for a lower price.
Before the day of the move, a representative from the company should inspect the property and detail what needs to be transported. This can normally be done as part of an in-home estimate. These estimates are easy to schedule and most furniture movers are willing to do it free of charge and as part of a service package. This estimate is helpful for both the homeowner and business. The homeowner can rest assured that the workers will show up prepared and with a large enough truck. The business will have an idea of what to expect and can plan accordingly.
On the day of the move, the company will likely bring a collection of hand trucks and dollies. These are used to provide additional mobility and lifting power to a single worker. Furniture movers may also bring lever dollies to help generate additional leverage under heavy objects. These devices look like long rods with a small scoop and a pair of wheels at the bottom. They are especially effective at lifting appliances.
Furniture pads are needed when an item needs to be shifted before lifting. They are placed under the object and reduce frictional force, making it easy to slide the item around. If the furniture movers are working in a tight space, they may bring a powered lift to the job. These are common in urban areas where an apartment may be several stories from ground level. A powered lift functions by maneuvering a platform into place under one of the home’s windows. Workers will then carry things out through the window and let an operator lower the platform for them. This is usually the only option when a high-rise apartment has a piano or other belongings that can’t fit down the stairs. Once on the ground, the workers may use a “shoe” to wheel the objects to the truck. For valuable or fragile belongings, the professionals will have protective wraps on hand to keep items from being damaged.